Case Study

Case Study

Case Study

Case Study

Nextus is the go-to integrated platform for managing marketing campaigns efficiently. It enables users to monitor key campaign data, streamline management tasks, improve reporting to upper management, and minimize time spent switching between different campaign management tools.

Nextus is the go-to integrated platform for managing marketing campaigns efficiently.
It enables users to monitor key campaign data, streamline management tasks, improve reporting to upper management, and minimize time spent switching between different campaign management tools.

UX/UI Designer, Branding & Identity

UX/UI Designer,
Branding & Identity

3 months





The Overview

Carenet Health's marketing department is experiencing significant challenges in planning, tracking, and managing its campaigns efficiently. The reliance on various tools and trackers has led to confusion, delays, and inefficiencies. To address these issues, the department requires a unified, technology-supported solution that can simplify campaign management for both internal teams and external vendors.

Nextus, an integrated management platform, offers a comprehensive solution. It empowers users to efficiently handle marketing campaigns by centralizing key campaign information, facilitating simplified management processes, providing enhanced reporting to upper management, and reducing the time spent switching between various campaign management tools. By implementing Nextus, Carenet Health can enhance transparency, improve coordination, and achieve more efficient and timely execution of marketing campaigns.

The Problem

The use of multiple management tools with disparate interfaces leads to a lack of transparency and coordination among internal teams and external vendors, causing inefficiencies and delays in the implementation of marketing campaigns.

How might we optimize campaign management at Carenet Health's marketing department, alleviating confusion and inefficiencies from using multiple tools, and enhancing coordination with teams and vendors?

The use of multiple management tools with disparate interfaces leads to a lack of transparency and coordination among internal teams and external vendors, causing inefficiencies and delays in the implementation of marketing campaigns.

How might we optimize campaign management at Carenet Health's marketing department, alleviating confusion and inefficiencies from using multiple tools, and enhancing coordination with teams and vendors?

Target Users

Influencers and content creators are the primary target market for Wanderpath. They seek a simplified solution determining optimal shooting times, managing logistics, and discovering locations particularly in a new country for content.

Adara, as a marketing operations manager at Carenet Health, is the primary target user for Nextus. She requires a streamlined solution for managing marketing campaigns efficiently, organizing team collaboration, and accessing comprehensive features to improve campaign coordination and reduce workload.

Adara, as a marketing operations manager at Carenet Health, is the primary target user for Nextus. She requires a streamlined solution for managing marketing campaigns efficiently, organizing team collaboration, and accessing comprehensive features to improve campaign coordination and reduce workload.

Key User Pain Points

Fragmented Campaign Management

Juggling multiple tools leads to confusion and inefficiencies in overseeing and managing marketing campaigns.

Inefficient Systems

The reliance on disparate tools and trackers exacerbates the struggle in planning, tracking, and managing campaigns effectively, highlighting the urgent need for a streamlined solution.

Limited Information Accessibility

Difficulty accessing crucial campaign details hampers collaboration and productivity among team members.

The Solution

Unified Platform Management

Streamline campaign oversight and management by consolidating all marketing activities onto a single platform, reducing confusion and inefficiencies.

Information Accessibility

Ensure easy access to necessary campaign information for all team members, enhancing collaboration and productivity.

Streamlined Solution Implementation

Address the current inefficiencies stemming from reliance on multiple tools and trackers by implementing a unified, technology-supported solution. This solution will streamline campaign management for both internal teams and external vendors at Carenet Health.

Why Nextus?

We developed comprehensive wireframes for the Nextus management platform, encompassing essential pages like login, overview, campaigns, schedule, and budget. Upon logging in, users are directed to the Overview page, providing a snapshot of vital campaign information, such as active campaigns, budget status, and schedule, alongside key analytics like completed campaigns and delayed tasks. Users can tailor the layout by moving sections and filter data by date range for a focused view.

The Campaigns page allows users to add new campaigns, apply templates, and manage campaign details including name, status, due date, and associated tasks. Synchronized boards streamline task management by linking related tasks across different campaigns, enhancing efficiency in tracking and vendor coordination.

In the Calendar section, users can toggle between monthly and weekly views, accessing detailed task schedules and downloading reports for management review. Similarly, the Timeline feature offers a visual representation of campaign timelines, aiding in project planning and reporting.

On the Budget page, users monitor projected versus actual expenditures, including various cost categories like salaries, agency fees, and tools. Deviations from budgeted amounts trigger status alerts, empowering managers to address delays and optimize resource allocation for future projects.


What did I learn?

Working on the Nextus Marketing Management Platform taught me the ins and outs of designing tailored digital solutions. Collaborating with a diverse team, I honed my communication skills and learned the importance of iterative design and stakeholder feedback. Features like synchronized boards and budget tracking provided practical insights into project management principles within a digital context.

What is the outcome?

The outcome is a robust Marketing Management Platform that centralizes campaign planning, execution, and evaluation. With features like synchronized boards and comprehensive analytics, the platform empowers users to simplify workflows and make informed decisions.

What to do next?

Looking ahead, The team is eager to refine the platform further based on user feedback and industry trends. Whether it's exploring new features or expanding into different industries, I'm committed to advancing the platform's capabilities and delivering value to our clients.